
Information for CPD Providers

Information for CPD Providers
Providers of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses are required to seek the Board’s (MRTB) approval for such courses to count towards CPD by Medical Rehabilitation Professionals in Nigeria.

Procedures for Obtaining CPD Approval
A CPD Provider/Facilitator must be in good standing with the Board (MRTB) before proceeding in the following steps and filling the online forms.
  1. All requests for organizing CPD programmes by groups, individuals, resource persons (facilitators) etc should be properly written and addressed to;
The Registrar,
The Medical Rehabilitation Therapists Board of Nigeria
Central Medical Library Compound, Muritala Mohammed Way, Yaba Terminus Lagos.
P. O. Box 3728, Surulere Post Office, Surulere, Lagos.
Or Via e-mail; cc:
Attention: - The HOD Institute Department.
  1. Documents  which will include the following shall accompany the request letter
  • Copy of Workshop/Seminar content: the breakdown and time allocated for each lecture/practical sessions daily
  • CPD Provider application form
  • Facilitators’ form
  • Copies of CPD Providers & Facilitator’s CV/Profile
  • Evidence of CAC documents
  • Evidence of payment.
  1. All documents should have reached the Board (MRTB) for approval at least 8 weeks before the intended date to avoid clashes of dates in CPD programs and for verification of organizers, facilitators profile/resume, course content and other attributes regarding the intended CPD programme.
  1.  A Letter of Approval by the Board (MRTB) must be obtained before any form of publicity of the CPD program is made.
  1. If approved, the CPD program will run in collaboration with the Board and the Board’s logo will be permitted to be used. Credit points for the program would be allotted accordingly.
  1. Certificates for the CPD programme must be co-signed by the Registrar of the Board and the CPD organisers. Hence certificates for the programme must get to the Board (MRTB) at least 4 weeks before programme commencement.
  1. These services attract a financial commitment on the part of the organizers and faciliators to the board.
  1. Proposed programmes with insufficient course content, facilitators or credit point values may be merged with another proposed programme.
  1. Non adherence to these directives shall attract a sanction/penalty