
New License Fees

29.10.2014 17:23:46 | MRTB IT Unit, Tolu Ajiboye

Dear Esteemed Registrants,
The Medical Rehabilitation Therapists Board of Nigeria (MRTB) would like to use this medium to inform you about the increase in licensing fees effective from January, 2015. This is as a result of the cessation of funding which we have hitherto been receiving from the Federal Government. The new fees are as follows :


  1. Nigerian Graduates - Provisional Registration with Exam, documents & Licence for = N25,000.00
  2. Foreign trained Graduates – Verification & Exam = N40,000.00
  3. Foreign trained Graduates with practicing licence – Verification no exam = N40,000.00
  4. Non-citizen trained abroad – Verification & Exam = N60,000.00
  5. Non-citizen trained in Nigeria – Verification & Exam = N25,000.00
  6. Full Registration – N20,000.00
  7. Annual Practicing Licence – N10,000.00 (Less than 10 years)
  8. Annual Practicing Licence – N15,000.00 (10 years and above)
  9. N5,000.00 penalty fee per year for non-renewal of practicing licence.
  10.  Clinical Accreditation – N100,000.00
  11. Academic Accreditation – N300,000.00
  12. Private clinic Accreditation – N50,000.00
Please endeavour to pass this message to as many as you can.
Thank you.

For more information, please email or call 08060618337

Thank you for your understanding.